We Could be a Sugar Cube

Hi Friends,

Anyone reading much of anything these days saw the news recently that the human body strolling about being you is 90% other microorganisms. Yep, apparently only 10% of your body is composed of cells that contain your individual DNA. The rest is all bacteria, viruses, molds, flora and fauna that populate the planet You. Do you feel special?

Next, consider that humans are about 60% water. Two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen, not exactly personal ingredients, compose most of what you are as an animal. In fact 99% of the human body by mass is just six Elements: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus. Of these six, four are the same as the most abundant Elements in the Universe overall. The exceptions being Helium and Neon, which are too gaseous to hang around and be useful and being noble gases they don't want to bond with anything anyway.

Ok, basic, right? We are space stuff. But even more humbling is that we are overwhelmingly space itself. If the nucleus of an atom were the size of a marble, the first electron whirling around it would be a football field away. Atoms are 99.999999999999% empty space.

If we could remove the space and pack all the electrons, neutrons and protons the way matter is packed in a neutron star, (the way you pack your carry-on bag), the entire human race would be the size of a sugar cube. Sweet!

So we are simply chemistry sets and mostly nothingness. Great! The Universe is 13.7 billion years old and I hope to live to be 80. I'm just a temporary fog of almost nothing, literally. Yes, literally. So folks, get busy. Make the most of today. Whatever you do, keep in mind that you are nothing but what you do. That's it. Do good stuff NOW.

And start by being kind. Show love to each other. It's the holidays for us, and darkening days for the northern hemisphere. Share your blessings as best you can. Everyone needs a hug. Consider sending a care package to Ukraine or volunteering to feed your local hungry people. We are the fortunate few and love is the only answer going forward. I know, I sound like a hippie. Takes one to know one.

Thanks from our little gallery slice of planet earth,

Love. Beauty. Magic.

B Mac

Li Wang

Iā€™m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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