The Alphabet 

Hi friends,


I sat down to smash out this blog about lightning in all its awesome fury. Did you know that during the Tonga volcanic explosion last year there were up to 43 bolts per second!? The most active storm in history! Or that lightning on the surface of Saturn manifests as wavelets disrupting the rings? And... I realize that all this will need to wait for the next missive. Today I am announcing The Alphabet. The Visible Indivisibles project addressing all the Elements on the Periodic Chart is complete and the book is headed to a publisher. Now I am launching The Alphabet, same scale panels at 23" square, to make an image for all of the letterforms we use as the English language. Might even do an ampersand as, apparently, that was once listed along with the usual 26.

I mentioned this casually to some friends and... zoom! I have already completed X and O and B and R and C and have dibs for G and S and M. Every letter will be a distinctive one-of-kind panel with a huge emphasis on diversity. I also recognize that I will need to do more than one of each in all fairness -- in Scrabble there are six R's and twelve E's -- so they will be numbered pieces. If we are considering names, for instance, how many start with J or B? So, let's go folks. Make me super busy. As always, each one will drive homework, and I will commit to compiling them all in a book. Let's see, what is the oldest letter, the least used, the roundest, the one with only straight lines, the simplest might have to be the most complicated? ... Morse code, naval flagging, musical chords, sign language...I'm all in. Join the party. 

I have been doing giant pieces of late, and this will be the opportunity to focus on tight compositions. Each piece will be $1,800. Step right up. Dibs start right now.

Happy late summer, you amazing humans. 

Thanks for all the attention recently at shows.

Naturally, I have some larger works for sale here in the gallery. Check the website. And, as always, for you particular types, I do commissioned work all the time. 

Stay in touch and get outside as much as possible.

Rock steady, Peace and Love and X and O, 

B mac 

Li Wang

Iā€™m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu


Oppenheimer and Barbie, Sort Of